
Lancashire Constabulary wants to know what matters to you.

We want to better understand what is like to live in your area so we can work with residents to help tackle any worries and issues that you may have.

Your opinions will help influence the Constabulary’s neighbourhood priorities in your community.

Your name (optional)
Please provide your full home postcode in the box below. This will help us see if we have a fair response across the area and help look at results by district or town area.

Your neighbourhood

1. What's good about the local area where you live?
Please enter an answer for this question
2. What are the top issues affecting you in your community which would benefit from joint working between police, partners and community members to resolve? (Tick up to 5 that apply)
Please select a minimum of 0, and a maximum of 5.
2. What are the top issues affecting you in your community which would benefit from joint working between police, partners and community members to resolve? (Tick up to 5 that apply)

Your experience

3. To what extent do you agree with the following statements?
Strongly Disagree
Somewhat Disagree
Somewhat Agree
Strongly Agree
Don’t Know
The police in this area are doing a good job
The police in this area are doing a good job
The police are dealing with the anti – social behaviour issues in this area
The police are dealing with the anti – social behaviour issues in this area
The police are dealing with the crime issues that matter in this area
The police are dealing with the crime issues that matter in this area
Taking everything into account I have confidence in the police in this area
Taking everything into account I have confidence in the police in this area
Would you like to tell us about anything else that impacts your confidence in the police in your area?
4. Do you require future messages to be provided in any other language?

Feedback from Lancashire Talking

Dear Citizen,

Thank you for taking the time to provide your views to our officers by contributing to Lancashire Talking.  

We really value your opinion and it will help to make a real difference to your area.

N.B. If you have raised concerns relating to excessive speed (speeding) please submit specific details using the link below, this will allow the Constabulary and partners to consider the most appropriate response from the information you provide:

Speed Concern Submission. – Lancashire Road Safety Partnership (lancsroadsafety.co.uk)


Want to find out more?  

For more information about Lancashire Talking and Neighbourhood Policing in your area, please visit 
